Last year Dennis Harding took a group of Buff turkeys and we are delighted to say he had a successful year with them. Our visit today was to help him sort his 2018 breeding groups. As many will know the Buffs have suffered from inappropriate breeding over the years, and they often present with white in the tail, black in…
Buff Turkeys As many will know we are passionate about the Buff turkey and getting them back to where their future is more secure. Sadly recent years had seen a significant decline in Buff numbers, and the available stock just wasn’t breeding true. However, success with our Buffs last year enabled us to release two good stags a few months ago to two turkey keepers. …
First egg of the year goes to the Buff Turkeys which is brilliant given their low numbers and that they are so at risk. Sadly the egg was laid in the mud and well kicked around before we found it. However, it was an optimistic event nonetheless and given the parading and posturing in all the pens the start of the…
The Buff turkeys are laying which is brilliant news given that this particular variety is down to very low numbers and has in fact almost disappeared completely. We are desperate to save the Buff turkeys and scoured the UK looking for birds to improve and develop our line. Sadly even after all our searching and miles travelled we only found…