The Buff turkeys are laying which is brilliant news given that this particular variety is down to very low numbers and has in fact almost disappeared completely. We are desperate to save the Buff turkeys and scoured the UK looking for birds to improve and develop our line. Sadly even after all our searching and miles travelled we only found one group that was worth working with. Although we purchased the whole flock of 18 birds we are only able to work with 4 of them, one stag and three hens. We felt the remaining 14 from this group had just gone too far and had just too many faults for us to work with. So, working with our own original Buffs, we now have two small groups of birds from which we can try and halt the decline of these delightful turkeys. We are hoping that as the first egg of the year is a Buff it is a positive sign for the season ahead. Fingers crossed that the egg(s) are fertile and progress to hatching a robust chick.