

Hello my name is Kevin


Origin: Europe

Classification: Light

Head: Red, changeable to bluish-white.

Beak: Light horn.

Eyes: Light brown

Throat & Wattle: Red, changeable to bluish-white

Neck: White with every feather ending in a fine black edge.

Stag Adult Stag Young Hen Adult Hen Young
9.00-10.00kg / 20-22lb 7.20kg / 16lb 5.40kg / 12lb 4.50kg / 10lb

Legs and Feet: Thighs: White with very light black edging. Shanks and toes: In mature birds, deep pink; in young birds, pinkish-white.

Wings: Fronts and Bows: white with a narrow edge of black across each feather. Coverts: White with a narrow edge of black on the end of each feather forming a black band when the wing is folded. Primaries: Dull black. Secondaries: White with the exposed portion of each feather having a black strip running about 10cm (4 in) in length on each feather; becoming shorter on top secondaries to form a distinct spot on each feather.

Back:White with metallic black over saddle, fringed with white.

Tail: Main tail: pure white with a wide black band across each feather near the end, terminating in pure white at the tip. Coverts and lesser coverts: white with wide band of metallic black extending across the feather near the end, terminating in a wide edge of white.

Breast:Exposed portion of each feather pure white ending in a band of black to form a contrast of black and white giving the effect of scales of a fish.

Body and Fluff:Body: White with each feather ending in a black band terminating in white. Fluff: White.

Under colour or all Sections: White

Colour Female: N/A

Day-old Poult: Poults are yellowish-white throughout the body. Pure white feathers grow through the down and black markings begin to appear at around 6-8 weeks.

Defects: Absence of black edging. Absence of black bands in main tail and greater coverts in both stags and hens. Any brown colouring

Breed Standards – Bourbon Red

Download the Bred Standard Bourbon Reds

All breed standards are taken from TCUK website

Breed History

The Pied turkey has been in existence in Europe since the 1700s. It is very ornamental and a popular exhibition bird. The Pied is more suited as an egg producer than meat bird. There are various breeds which have similar colouring, such as Crollwitzer, Pied Ronquieres, Royal Palm (USA)