Today we delivered a quartet of Norfolk Black turkeys to their new home at Lambourne End Centre where they will become a ‘breeding group’ as part of the joint Heritage Turkeys, TCUK, RBST and PCGB project. Eagerly met by the volunteers and management the birds soon settled in and we are confident they will become a great asset to both…
It is with much sadness we pass on the awful news that Pam Drake died today. A passionate breeder of Norfolk Black turkeys she achieved a great deal in bringing them back to their original standard. Her passion, patience and understanding as a Norfolk Black breeder ensure that she leaves behind a tremendous legacy. Before she passed Pam was able…
We have just finished preparing a 15-month-old Norfolk Black stag for our dinner tomorrow. He had a good life free-ranging around the paddocks and hopefully took the opportunity to enjoy the varied diet. He has a proportionate amount of fat in all the right places, a good meat-to-bone ratio, and certainly looks good in the roasting tin. It is always a…
We have just spent the morning cleaning out the hatchery and broody cages. It is a bit of a mundane chore, but also a great opportunity to have a really close look at just how well the little ones are doing, and we are delighted to say they are going along just fine…. Of particular note, the majority of our Norfolk Black…
Buff Turkeys As many will know we are passionate about the Buff turkey and getting them back to where their future is more secure. Sadly recent years had seen a significant decline in Buff numbers, and the available stock just wasn’t breeding true. However, success with our Buffs last year enabled us to release two good stags a few months ago to two turkey keepers. …
We were really pleased with the two birds that entered. Sadly there were not many birds entered in the turkey classes, but Malcolm Thompson the turkey judge made some nice comments about our birds afterwards. Norfolk Black Hen: First in Class and Best of Breed, Kingsbridge Show Crollwitzer Stag: First in Class and Best of Breed, Kingsbridge Show