Tag: RBST Turkeys

Newquay Zoo – Crollwitzers

Quite a while ago Newquay Zoo approached us to supply traditional turkeys for their Village Farm.  This request fitted perfectly the joint project between Heritage Turkeys, RBST, TCUK and PCGB for placing traditional breeding groups in key locations. So after an early start on Saturday we delivered a trio of Crollwitzers at Newquay Zoo, and were delighted to see them…

Project Summary 2017

Well where did that year go…  Regards the Heritage Turkeys, TCUK and RBST joint turkey project a lot was achieved with a few breeding groups being placed in key locations.  In particular we have Buffs well placed and breeding, and it is now a case of networking and selecting and managing them sensibly. Other varieties such as Bourbon Reds, Crollwitzers and Norfolk…