This was the show where the RBST and TCUK, supported by the PCGB, launched the turkey project. Given the number of people who stopped to chat about the turkeys and project I think it safe to say it was a successful launch.
We took 10 turkeys from 8 varieties and they soon settled in to the three excellent pens RBST had arranged for them. Within no time they had laid a few eggs and were nibbling at the planted herb tubs. The whole ensemble was well received with positive feedback on both turkeys and the pens.
Adam Hanson stopped by for a chat and is taking some turkeys as part of the project. This of course is good for the birds and excellent for the project itself.
Brenda spent almost all her time at the stand ‘talking turkey’ and this has proved to be really useful. Lots of people showed a deep interest and we are optimistic that some useful links have been made.
What was absolutely brilliant were the number of people who introduced themselves as turkey keepers and who were already keeping the traditional breeds. We knew they were out there but now we were meeting with them and chatting. Names and numbers were exchanged and fun will be had exploring the opportunities that this brings to sustaining heritage turkeys into the future.
Having had a chat with someone on the Saturday, we were astounded when the following day they bought in 25 turkey eggs for incubation. Such a generous gesture on so many levels, and it will be great to see how they develop.
With the project launched it is now that the hard work really begins as candidates and locations are identified and placements are considered..
But before that there is the project ‘training day’ to plan and organise for the new ‘turkey keepers’, and which as part of the project they are required to attend.
So, never a dull moment with turkeys that’s for sure..